This is a quick reference guide for getting started with gjs/gts aka <template>.

The RFC that concluded the research in to this new file format is RFC#779 First-Class Component Templates

For all projects

  1. For syntax highlighting:

  2. For type checking gts, you'll use glint instead of tsc. Ember Glint documentation is here on the Glint docs site.
    Ensure that your tsconfig.json has

      "compilerOptions": { /* ... */ },
      "glint": {
        "environment": [

    Note that in Glint projects, you'll want to disable tsserver, so you don't have double-reported errors.

  3. For linting, there are two paths:

      eslint . --ext js,ts,gjs,gts

    if you otherwise don't specify extensions, having a sufficiently new enough lint config from the app blueprint should "just work"

       module.exports = {
          // ...
          overrides: [
            // ...
              files: ['**/*.gts'],
              plugins: ['ember'],
              parser: 'ember-eslint-parser',
              files: ['**/*.gjs'],
              plugins: ['ember'],
              parser: 'ember-eslint-parser',

    To get linting working in VSCode, you'll need to modify your settings (and be sure to include the defaults as well for both of these settings):

    "eslint.probe": [
     // ...
    "eslint.validate": [
      // ...
    // ...
    "prettier.documentSelectors": ["**/*.gjs", "**/*.gts"],

    For neovim,

    local lsp = require('lspconfig')
    -- ✂️ 
    local eslint = lsp['eslint']
      filetypes = { 
        "javascript", "typescript", 
        "typescript.glimmer", "javascript.glimmer", 
      on_attach = function(client, bufnr)
        vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("BufWritePre", {
          buffer = bufnr,
          command = "EslintFixAll",

    neovim has support for typescript.glimmer and javascript.glimmer built in. vim-polyglot breaks neovim's built-in syntax resolving, so uninstall that if you have it (neovim ships with treesitter which has very extensive language support).

  4. For prettier/formatting, you'll need prettier-plugin-ember-template-tag And for the best experience / workflow, run eslint and prettier separately (without the popular eslint-plugin-prettier)

In an App

  1. Install ember-template-imports.

  2. If you use TypeScript,

    1. update your babel config to have:
        "plugins": [
            { "allExtensions": true, "onlyRemoveTypeImports": true, "allowDeclareFields": true }
          // ...
    1. update your tsconfig.json to have (in compilerOptions)
      "verbatimModuleSyntax": true,

In a v1 Addon

  1. Install ember-template-imports.

    npm add ember-template-imports

    it is important that this library be in dependencies, not devDependencies

  2. If you use TypeScript,

    1. update your babel config to have:
        "plugins": [
            { "allExtensions": true, "onlyRemoveTypeImports": true, "allowDeclareFields": true }
          // ...
    1. update your tsconfig.json to have (in compilerOptions)
      "verbatimModuleSyntax": true,
      "allowImportingTsExtensions": true,

In a v2 Addon

  1. @embroider/addon-dev provides a addon.gjs() plugin.

Usage and Patterns

See the interactive glimmer tutorial:


ember-template-imports easily provides a prototype of the features described by RFC#779, but embber-template-imports is not the final form of the <template> feature -- it as an easy way to set up the support today, but future techniques for enabling <template> will be easier. When reviewing the README for ember-template-imports, ignore everything about hbs, it will not be supported.

Example Projects using gjs/gts

Each of these projects is setup with linting, typechecking, etc

Hopefully they can be a reference for when issues are encountered upon setup